Compendiums / Portfolios

The smart choice for any working professional. If you're looking to get more organised at the office or even at home, then Bright Promotional Products has the best portfolios to help get you organised. With its elegant hard casing, it's a worthy addition to your office organisational set-up. Avoid the paper clutter and get organised with these expertly crafted portfolios. Head to Bright Promotional Products website to have them delivered to you today, getting more organised has never been so easy.

Compendiums / Portfolios

Compendiums / Portfolios


Long Trustworthy & Recognized
Member of Appa

Price Beat Policy
for Same Item

Fast Responsive Team
& Turnaround Time

Best Services, Best Price
& Best Quality

5-Star Google Reviews
& Thousands of Happy

100% Australian

Big Valiety of Goods
from Budget to Premium

Services & Delivery


I was extremely pleased with the products and we received them in time, as promised. I have placed your details in our AGM file for next year and you will be our first point of contact. The attendees of the AGM thought that the promotional products were all fantastic so well done to you.

Brenda Denteith, KFC (Competitive Foods Australia)

I was extremely pleased with the products and we received them in time, as promised. I have placed your details in our AGM file for next year and you will be our first point of contact. The attendees of the AGM thought that the promotional products were all fantastic so well done to you.

Brenda Denteith, KFC (Competitive Foods Australia)